Live Concert in Nuremberg!

What a joy we had playing in Nuremberg last saturday! Nothing beats playing live, especially in front of such a wonderful audience! We brought quite the light show and tons of tinsel with us, which you can have a look at soon when it’s time for dropping some videos… stay tuned!:) But for now we are looking forward to next saturday when we are heading to Delmenhorst!

Concert announcements

Attention please! Important announcement: We have CONFIRMED LIVE DATES again!

🎸 November 20 – Nuremberg, Hubertussaal
🎸 November 27 – Delmenhorst, Jazzfest
🎸 December 26 – Regensburg, Jazzclub

We will play some brand new tunes from the new record, so be sure to stop by! We are looking forward to seeing you again in person!

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MRBB live @BR Studio 2 (Stream) 🚀

After a long, long pandemic hiatus we finally got back together again for a few days of rehearsals, having chats and heavy bean grinding! After practicing the new pieces we immediately went to German tv and radio broadcast company Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) and recorded a live set which will be available for on demand viewing in their online library from Nov 5 on! Take a look, we had a blast!!

TMTxplosif live

We had a great time playing with my trio TMTxplosif at Jazz & the City Festival in Salzburg and NUEJAZZ festival in Nuremberg!

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Munich Composers Collective live

Gregor Hübner’s Munich Composers Collective (MCC) finally came together again to play a live concert at Milla Club! I was excited to contribute a few pieces – as always it was a great pleasure to play with this very special formation!

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3 premieres for orchestra

In October I was invited as a composer to the Sonic Visions Festival in Reutlingen! Three new pieces for orchestra and electronics had their premieres there under the direction of Chatschatur Kanjan, accompanied by live visuals made by Timo Dufner. Here are some impressions!
See you soon, Monika

TMTxplosif live @Theresienwiese

Yesterday was probably the hottest gig of the year! Thank you all for showing up in these Death Valley temperatures, we’ve enjoyed being grilled on stage and playing our music at Kunst im Quadrat. We had a blast! Summer tan inclusive! TMTxplosif!;)

Camp Festival 2021

Here are some impressions from Camp Festival 2021, a “visual music” festival in Stuttgart!
12 artists from all over the world, with backgrounds in music, dance, performance and visual arts, shut themselves in for one week to create something together, resulting in many amazing performances by different collaborating teams – it was a feast for the senses and mind to work with these inspiring and fascinating people!
I wish you all a pleasant summer!:)

We have a new home!

Big news everyone, after a two year odyssey of ups and downs, dilligence, and sweat, poring over contracts and gaining important experiences, the Monika Roscher Bigband has a new home: Zenna Records – we founded our own label! 🎉🚀🌈
Which also means that our music is available again on streaming services:
Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal and Bandcamp.

Credit: Emanuel Klempa

A sign of life!

The world is spinning out of control – this ferris wheel is not. It’s reminding me and my lead trumpet player Felix that the production of the album is slowly but unceasingly moving forward! We stay focussed and calm and hope you can too!🙂💚

TMT Trio Video “PSALM”

We recently shot a video for the trio I play in – TMT – and I’m happy to share it here with you!
I hope you are all doing fine, thanks for all the replies to our last newsletter, made me smile a lot! Hopefully we see you soon, maybe at a live gig, fingers crossed!

Recording update

Slowly but steady… ????️
The recording of our new big band album is moving ahead, one step at a time! The latest Corona lockdown doesn’t make things easier to make a studio recording with 19 musicians, but we accept the challenge and are working on the new songs with great attention to detail – time is plenty right now, since all concerts have been cancelled.

Unfortunately, our annual christmas concert on December 26th in Regensburg has been cancelled too – the stage is just too small for us to follow the required distancing rules. This one is especially sad for us, because playing there has become a big band tradition – we hope that we can return again in 2021!
It’s not that there will be no live music though, because I will be playing with my trio TMT instead!

See you soon and take care!

New video with TMT Trio

Happy first day of Cultural-Lockdown in Germany Nr. 2!
We were getting ready to play our first trio tour with our band TMT (which is: Tom Jahn on Hammond organ, Tilman Herpichböhm on drums and myself on guitar and vocals), but it is not going to happen because of the lockdown in November.
But hey, we’ve recorded a video a couple of weeks ago with Hook Sessions, here it is !:)
We’re looking forward to playing live again soon!
Stay healthy and see you soon!

No gigs, but new merch!:)

Our first band shirts have arrived!
Its design is a little circuit with symbols that play some role in our band!
I’ve tried on both colored versions of the woman shirts and I love them!:)
The shirts are now available in our band shop on this site!
*All shirts and bags are locally printed by Andreas Kräftner.
We decided tu use ecological and environmentally sustainable materials.
Design by Tobias Karl-Haberl.

All the best,

Trio gigs in November 2020

All big band concerts this fall have been cancelled now due to Covid. We are just too many people to be on one stage… but we are psyched to keep working on our new album!

And lucky me, I can still play concerts with our trio TMT and there are still some venues that allow smaller concerts!

These are the dates:
November 11th 2020 Jazz Club Hirsch e.V. // Moosburg
November 12th 2020 Leerer Beutel // Regensburg
November 13th 2020 Alte Kaserne // Landshut
November 14th 2020 Stadttheater // Landsberg am Lech

——> this is our homepage:

See you soon and stay healthy!
P.S. Photo credit: Svenja Tietze